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Qurd is another name for soya-yoghurt curd-cheese. It is made by straining and pressing soya yoghurt to make a fresh soft cheese. Qurd can be made with regular or fat-enriched soya yoghurt. The yoghurt is strained through cheesecloth (muslin) to remove most of the whey liquid and then pressed to firm up the curds and remove further liquid. Qurd can vary in fat and water content depending on the yoghurt used and the amount of pressing. Qurd is cream coloured and the texture is thick and smooth. Qurd is excellent for non-dairy cheesecakes and quiches. When baked the qurd will set, initially like a soft cheese, but more egg-like when baked for longer.
soya qurd
Fresh soya Qurd
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soya qurd
Straining whey from soya yoghurt to make qurd
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Other Resources:
See the plantfoods.org guide to making qurd to see how to make your own qurd.
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